The shotgun approach works well in Tarantino flicks. Not so much in marketing any more. 
While I consider myself a copywriter and creative person at the core, I also relish the strategic work that ensures a focused and targeted message, especially in this of age of analytics and market segmentation. Unlike a lot of creative people, I’ve never found that a tight strategy limits creativity. In fact, I consider it liberating.
So, yes, I write copy. But I can also help you develop concepts that will be noticed by the people you want to notice them. After all, without the right idea, no one’s going to read the copy, anyway.
I live on the Eastside of Seattle and work throughout the area. Your place or mine. Other times, my clients are in different time zones, which works just fine, too.
In any case, if what you've seen here interests you, please get in touch. Maybe we'll do some great work together.
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